Monday, July 27, 2009

Thoughts on Health Care & Insurance

By Tyler

Hello again. So my first post was a sort of overview of what my first week in the internship was like. Well, here I am in week three, last week we did not post a blog, 826 Michigan (the very nice people who are teaching us to blog) came to our class room at Stone School to try and spark some ideas for our next entry, that being this one. Since week one a whole lot has happened, I'm afraid I probably wont be able to finish my thoughts in this post but here goes. The movie Unnatural Causes that I talked about in my first post really opened my eyes to the problems we have in the health world in our country. My interest in the health care field grew one hundred percent and now I feel I need to know more. The movie talked about how we ranked among other countries in health care, and we are not doing so hot. I believe we were number thirty four, behind such unpopular countries as Slovenia, Cuba, and of course the European giants that seem to know what their doing in the health aspect of things. I also learned that our infant mortality rate is about one in fourteen, which is fairly high for a country that has not seen war on its soil since we battled amongst ourselves in the civil war. The huge thing though, was the fact that a lot of people in the United States are uninsured. It made me think, what if their just not trying hard enough to get insured? What if our government is not advertising the fact that you can go to your local department of human services and apply for insurance through the government. If I can do it, I know there are people out there that are not insured that can do it too. I think that we need to stop worrying about medical equipment advancements that are supposedly making it easier to save lives and use what we have to save the lives that we're not. Time's up, to who ever is reading, talk to you next post.

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